He Said It's A Cold, But It's Snot: Three Ways To Tell The Difference Between The Common Cold And Seasonal Allergies
It started with a cough and sneezing, but how do you tell if you have a cold or just seasonal allergies? The truth is, some of the symptoms of cold and allergies are the same so it is difficult to tell them apart. A cold is caused by a virus, while allergies are caused by your immune system being overactive by attacking pollen and dust that is in there air. You can't treat your illness if you don't know which one you are experiencing, which will only make life miserable. Below is a list of clues that will let you know what your body is experiencing.
What Time Of Year Is It?
This is the best question to take into consideration when you are trying to figure out if you just have allergies or if you are coming down with a cold. People generally come down with colds during the winter when temperatures are low because when your internal body heat drops in temperature so does your immune system. When your immune system is weakened, it's harder to fight off the rhinovirus.
If you are experiencing you symptoms in any other month, chances are you are fighting off seasonal allergies. It is during these months and dust and pollen get into the air and your body starts to fight them off as if it were fighting off a cold. When you body starts to attack what it is perceiving as germs, you will get swelling in your nasal passageways and the coughing and sneezing soon follow suit.
What Color Is Your Snot?
It's gross to look at your snot, but since your body is producing a lot of it, you may as well examine it for clues. If you are suffering from a cold, your nasal discharge will be yellow or green and thick. It's the body's way of letting you know that you have an infection that it is trying to fight off. When you are experiencing seasonal allergies, however, the nasal discharge that is produced will be clear and very thin, making it easier to drip out of your nose.
Do You Have A Fever?
Often times when you are coming down with a cold, you will notice a spike in your temperature, this is natural when your body is fighting off an infection. The fever can last anywhere from twenty-four to seventy-two hours, as long as your immune system is fighting to make you healthy again. With allergies, you will not have a fever because there is no infection that needs to be fought off.
It is very difficult to tell the difference between seasonal allergies and a cold because they both have the majority of the symptoms are the same. The list provided above are tell-tale signs that you are dealing with one instead of the other. Once you know what is ailing your body, it will be easier to treat and you will be able to get back to living your life. For more information, contact offices like Asthma and Allergy Clinic.