The Interrelationship between Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Conditions
Your immune system wrestles with unwanted substances entering your body and fights off pollen and other irritants. Interestingly, your immune system releases histamines into your body that bring about aggravating allergy symptoms such as postnasal drip and sneezing. Your body also fights off foreign substances in your airways, namely dust and pollen that cause asthmatic inflammatory attacks. Such attacks are also similar to the struggles of allergy sufferers. Researchers believe that both conditions are interrelated, and physicians treat both conditions as a dual affliction, which are both seasonal or yearlong medical conditions.
Interrelationship Between Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis
Your miserable allergy symptoms brought on by pollen-driven allergic rhinitis has the potential to trigger one of your all-too-frequent asthma attacks. You then end up with coughing and breathing problems as well as wheezing. Bear in mind that other factors such as stress, gastro reflux disease and exercise can kick in and spark off an asthmatic attack. Pine and ragweed also activate asthma conditions.
Treating Your Allergy-Induced Asthma Attack
Your physician will start off treating the allergic reactions that stoke the asthmatic response. You may be given an allergy test and be treated with antihistamine, which reduces the symptoms. Professionals note that corticosteroids are also used to treat this dual condition. Another pill might be prescribed to reduce swelling. All of these treatments are offered to ultimately make you breathe easier.
Leukotriene Modifier Treatments
Your physician might opt for treating both conditions with leukotriene modifier intervention. This method uses a pill to control immune system chemicals that are released by your body when you have an allergic reaction. Ask your physician to discuss the psychological side effects that might develop from taking this pill treatment. Generally, physicians will give small doses of such medicines to avoid any predictable psychological reactions.
Allergy Shots Immunotherapy
Your doctor might also prescribe immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots to treat your asthma. This treatment reportedly reduces your immune system's response to some allergy triggers. You can expect to receive regular injections that contain small amounts of the allergens that spark off your symptoms. The immunotherapy method allows you to build up a tolerance level to the allergens as time goes by. Accordingly, this is a time-consuming effort, which could last as much as five years.
Making Sure That You Do Treat Allergic Rhinitis Condition
One physician warns that you should not hesitate to get treatment for hay fever symptoms such as a nasal drip. The physician notes that if you treat the drip, you may just be able to avoid developing asthma. He recommends that the most effective treatment for allergic rhinitis is a nasal steroid spray and suggests that you can also choose a milder antihistamine treatment, which can help prevent asthma from developing.
For more information, talk to a professional like North Texas Allergy.