Stop Walking Like A Duck: Try These Foot-Straightening Techniques
You may believe that your duck feet, feet that turn outward, are an interesting quirk. But your duck feet are actually bad for your body and will also increase the risk that you trip and hurt yourself. When your feet are in normal alignment, they should be parallel to each other. The human body is not designed to work like this, and you may make your entire body unstable.
Remember to Keep Your Feet Straight
If your duck feet are congenital, there is not a lot that can be done to improve the condition, though it never hurts to see a specialist. However, if your duck feet are acquired, you will want to make it a habit to stop turning your feet out. Whenever you begin walking, remember to keep your feet parallel.
Exercises May Help
Your duck feet might be the result of an issue with your hips. If this is the case, you will want to perform exercises that work on hip mobilization and hip rotation. This includes hip flexor release, king cobra stretch, hip flexor stretch, and hip thrusts.
Sometimes, your duck feet are the result of lower leg issues. By performing calve raises with a stability ball, you can strengthen the leg muscles that control how your feet turn. Other exercises that can help with this include single leg deadlifts and shin releases.
Change Your Shoes
Consider replacing running shoes with flat shoes. By wearing flat shoes, you will find it more comfortable to turn your feet inward until you can do this by habit.
Try Tapping Your Shin Muscle
One temporary trick that has worked for some individuals is to place both of your feet on the ground in front of you while sitting. Then, feel your way up your shin muscle until you feel a soft spot. Tap the soft spot, and you may activate the muscle that is meant to straighten your feet. Repeat this with the other leg. This will only provide temporary relief.
See a Foot and Ankle Specialist
If you are struggling to correct the alignment of your feet, you should consider visiting a foot and ankle doctor. He or she might have a treatment that will allow you to correct the position of your feet if you are unable to do so yourself. By having your hip and femur examined via an x-ray, your podiatrist can identify the structural problems that influence your duck feet.