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Here's How EMDR Therapy Could Benefit You

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If you live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you may have heard of EMDR therapy. Just like PTSD, EMDR is an acronym. In this case, it stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, and many people find it helpful. EMDR encourages individuals to consider and mindfully alter the way they move their eyes when dealing with traumatic or difficult memories. The thinking is that these changes in eye movement can help people process and store triggering memories in a new and helpful way. Many individuals with a past history of trauma or PTSD have experienced positive changes when using EMDR with the help of a qualified professional. A mental health care provider can help you determine if EMDR could be a good choice for you. If it is, undergoing EMDR treatment could lead to many helpful benefits.


When people think of EMDR, they often think of PTSD. While EMDR may be helpful for those with PTSD, it is also used to help individuals with other conditions as well. For example, a mental health professional may recommend EMDR therapy for people who struggle with phobias, performance anxiety, panic disorders, and other psychological health issues. Since many mental health conditions can coexist, this treatment may be useful for individuals in multiple ways. Whether you have one or multiple mental health diagnoses, there's a chance that EMDR could be extremely useful in managing your symptoms. EMDR therapy is also versatile in that it can be used with various other types of treatment as well.


People who deal with traumatic memories often feel like they lack control. After all, they can't always decide or predict when or if they'll be confronted with a trigger. Though triggers can't always be avoided or controlled, people can learn helpful ways to deal with them, including EMDR. Once a person has experience in EMDR and how to practice it on their own, it can be a nice, comforting tool to turn to. Having this ability can help people feel more in control, which can lead to better quality of life and increased happiness and confidence.


For many, EMDR treatment can be incredibly healing. When teaching EMDR, mental health professionals often ask people to reflect on past traumas and triggers. Thinking proactively about these things, rather than avoiding them, can help lead to better understanding. In turn, this can lead to greater healing and improved mental health. While it's difficult to completely overcome or forget traumatic events from the past, EMDR can offer a great step forward for many individuals.

Contact a therapist to learn more about EMDR therapy
