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Providing Care While Encouraging Normalcy - Developing A Food Allergy Plan For Your Child's School

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Parenting is a constant struggle between your desire to keep your child protected and your desire to let he or she live their lives in exciting and adventurous ways. For parents of children with food allergies, the allergy represents an additional wrinkle that can create some resentment and frustration without careful planning on your part. Below, you’ll find a guide to developing a plan for managing your child’s allergy while they attend school. Read More»

Raising Visibility On Common Cataract Laser Surgery Questions

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Cataracts can be one of the most frustrating optical health problems. Even if your overall vision is perfect, the clouded lens caused by cataract formation can force you to peer at the world through a blurred glass that not only makes everything look cloudy, but will also mute colors as well. Traditional cataract surgery can be a length procedure that causes a fair amount of disturbance in vision. One of the most modern forms of cataract surgery involves the use of a laser to eliminate a lot of the time-consuming steps in the process. Read More»

How An Endovascular Embolization Can Successfully Treat Your Aneurysm

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For those who are suffering from a cerebral aneurysm, it’s important to know what treatment options are available for this highly dangerous condition. Thankfully, neurosurgery has been offering many new advances to treat this medical condition, with endovascular embolization serving as one of the top neurosurgical choices. This procedure has the potential to save both your life and protect brain function, but you should be aware of how this surgery is performed and the potential risks as well. Read More»

Want A Whiter Smile But Don't Have Time To Visit The Dentist? Try These Make-Up Tricks Instead!

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Getting your teeth professionally whitened by a cosmetic dentist, like the ones found at Bristol Dental Group, is one of the fastest and most effective ways to lift stains and brighten your teeth. However, if you are short on time and can’t visit your dentist before a big event or holiday gathering, there are a few illusions that you can create with make-up that trick the eye into thinking your teeth are whiter. Read More»

What Causes Runners To Drop Dead During A Marathon?

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You love running and are thinking about finally pulling the trigger and signing up for that marathon. But after all the news stories about athletes dropping dead at the end of a race, you’re a little worried. What could cause a runner to suddenly drop dead? Typically, sudden death during a marathon is due to a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? To understand hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—HCM for short—it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the heart’s anatomy. Read More»