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Learn What To Do If You Think Your Child May Suffer From ADHD

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Children always seem to have more energy than adults, but there are times when it may seem like your child has an excessive amount of energy in comparison to some of the other children you may know. When this happens, your child may be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. A child suffering from ADHD will have uncontrollable fits of hyperactivity, they may have difficulty focusing on tasks for more than a few minutes at a time, and they may not take the time to rationalize things before making a decision. Read More»

What Are Computer-Guided Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are a great way to provide a permanent replacement for missing teeth. The traditional way to get implants is by cutting through the gums and implanting a metal post in a hole drilled into the jawbone. It then takes several months to heal, after which a crown is put on top of the post. With new technology, the process is less invasive and goes much more quickly. Here is more information about the new computer-guided dental implant procedure. Read More»

Is It Normal Spitting Up Or GERD?

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Most babies spit up from time to time when they’re young, but if your little one seems to be constantly spitting up, isn’t feeding well, or showing signs of pain, it’s time to talk to your child’s pediatrician. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common in infants – the National Institutes of Health estimates that two-thirds of 4-month-olds show symptoms of GERD and up to 10 percent of infants are still showing symptoms after they’re a year old. Read More»

Eye Care: 3 Different Fruits That Help Protect Your Eyes

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You rely on your eyes for many daily functions, but do you care for them as you should? Yes, visiting your optometrist is a great step towards eye health. But there are other things you can do, like adding the following 3 eye-friendly fruits to your diet. 1. Bilberry: Your Eye-Berry Bilberries resemble blueberries and mostly grow in Europe. The fruit is not widely known in the Americas, but you can probably find them in your local health food store. Read More»

The Rotator Cuff Procedure Explained

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If you have been living with a damaged rotator cuff in your shoulder, then you should consider having it surgically corrected. Rotator cuff surgery is very effective at correcting the root cause of problems in the shoulder joint and greatly reducing pain. Rotator cuff repair surgery generally involves one or all of the following procedures: shoulder joint debridement rotator cuff tendon repair subacromial decompression Here is some information about each of these aspects of rotator cuff surgical procedures to help you better understand the process: Read More»