It’s frustrating when you’re allergic to cats, because that might mean no one in your household can experience the joy of having a cat for a pet. If you or your kids really want to bring a cat into your family, you might be able to make it work if you take some precautions. If your allergic reaction is severe, you shouldn’t attempt to live in the same house as a cat, but if you only have mild or moderate symptoms, you can try these suggestions. Read More»
Lower back pain may be one of the most common ailments plaguing the population. Furthermore, you may have back problems and not even know it. Lower back pain can manifest itself in several other areas of the body, leading you to believe a trip to the chiropractor may not be necessary. Understanding lower back pain, how it starts, what it feels like and how you can help yourself is key to restoring and maintaining your back health. Read More»
So you’ve made the big decision to recontour your neck and face. Plastic surgery is not something to be entered into lightly. Cosmetic procedure or not, surgery is always a serious endeavor. As such, it is important to know your options when it comes to recontouring your neck and/or face. For many years, standard liposuction has been the one and only choice in fat tissue removal. However, recent medical advances have generated a laser-assisted treatment option that offers its own unique benefits. Read More»
Gum disease is painful to deal with as it is an indication of deteriorating teeth. Gum disease is identified as either gingivitis or periodontitis. The latter is an extreme case of gum disease and often requires the patient to go through a number of surgical procedures including gum graft surgery. This surgery focuses on taking gum tissue from the roof of your mouth or a donor in order to replace the gum that has been destroyed. Read More»
Your office job can be more dangerous than you thought. According to the American Chiropractic Association, 50 percent of Americans will experience back pain each year. It is the most common cause for sick days from work. If you do work that requires a lot of sitting, learn how you can avoid this painful side effect of a desk job.
A Healthy Back Supports You
Your spinal column is flexible because it is composed of rigid bones, the vertebrae, alternating with cushioning pads, the intervertebral discs. Read More»