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All Swelled Up: DIY Remedies For Edema During Pregnancy

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Swollen feet, swollen fingers, swollen hands, swollen lower back, swollen face – the swelling of various extremities and other body parts are fairly common side effects of pregnancy, captured under the umbrella term of edema. Although it’s not harmful, and most of the time disappears immediately after you deliver your baby, it can still be really annoying and can cause shoes, rings, and other important items of clothing not to fit. Read More»

3 Chinese Medicine Herbs That Can Help Control Blood Sugar Levels For Type 2 Diabetics

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If you are looking for natural alternatives to help control your blood sugar levels, you should take some time exploring the benefits of Chinese herbal medicines. Chinese herbal medicines have been used for thousands of years to help people control the symptoms of illnesses for many types of diseases. Some herbs, like bitter melon, American ginseng, and gymnema sylvestre, when added to your meals or given as separate doses, can help to reduce the blood sugar peaks and valleys that cause much of the physical damage suffered by type 2 diabetics. Read More»

3 Things Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers Need To Know About Aortitis

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Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of autoimmune arthritis that leads to inflammation and damage of the joints. While rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious joint problems, it doesn’t stop there: it can also affect your heart. One of the many cardiovascular problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis is aortitis. Here are three things you need to know about aortitis. How does rheumatoid arthritis cause aortitis? People who’ve had rheumatoid arthritis for a long time (more than 10 years) can develop rheumatoid vasculitis, a complication characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body. Read More»

Should You Seek Botox Treatment During Pregnancy?

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If you’re a faithful user of Botox to help treat TMJ, chronic migraines, or unsightly frown lines, you may greet pregnancy with equal parts excitement and concern. Is it safe to continue to have Botox treatment during your pregnancy and while breastfeeding? If you’ve already had Botox prior to finding out you were pregnant, will your child suffer health problems? Read on to learn more about when you should continue your Botox regimen during pregnancy, as well as some scenarios in which it may be best to wait. Read More»

Should You Take Your Child To The Doctor For A Cough?

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If your family is like most, you probably go through a good amount of tissues and cans of soup during the cold season. There isn’t a cure for the common cold, so it makes sense if you don’t take your child to the doctor every time you hear him or her cough. But, how do you know that your child’s cough is due to a cold? Learn how to determine what type of cough your child has so that you know how to treat it. Read More»